Message Embeds
A Message Embed represents a Discord Embed object. An Embed object is another component of Discord messages that can be used to present data with special formatting and structure.
An example of a message embed:
An embed can contain the following components:
- Author, including link and avatar
- Title
- Description
- Field(s)
- Thumbnail image
- Image
- Footer, including text and icon
- Timestamp
- Color (sets the color of the left sidebar of the embed)
Creating an embed
Creating an embed is simple, and can be done like this:
from disco.types.message import MessageEmbed #We need this to create the embed
from datetime import datetime #We need this to set the timestamp
embed = MessageEmbed()
This will create a default, empty, Discord Embed object. Now that we have that, let's assign some values to it. First, lets set the author and the title, with a link that leads to this page. This can be done as follows:
embed.set_author(name='b1nzy#1337', url='', icon_url='')
embed.title = 'How to create an embed'
embed.url = '' #This URL will be hooked up to the title of the embed
Now, we can add a description and a few fields:
embed.add_field(name='Inline field 1', value='Some value for this field', inline=True)
embed.add_field(name='Inline field 2', value='Another value for another field', inline=True)
embed.add_field(name='Inline field 3', value='Third value for the third field', inline=True)
embed.add_field(name='A non-inline field', value='You can only have a max of 3 inline field on 1 line', inline=False)
embed.description = 'This is the general description of the embed, you can use the Discord supported MD in here too, to make it look extra fancy. For example, creating some **bold** or ~~strikethrough~~ text.'
Last up, let's set a footer, color and add a timestamp:
embed.timestamp = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
embed.set_footer(text='Disco Message Embeds tutorial')
embed.color = '10038562' #This can be any color, but I chose a nice dark red tint
Once your embed is finshed, you can send it using the channel.send_message()
message or the event.msg.reply()
With channel.send_message()
:<ChannelID>).send_message('[optional text]', embed=embed)
with the event.msg.reply()
event.msg.reply('[optional text]', embed=embed)
The final embed we created in this tutorial would look like this: