
Listeners are a way to execute custom actions when a certain Discord event happens. For example, on message creation, when a member joins or leaves a guild, or when someone changes their username or nickname.

Listeners in disco

Listeners are easy to use and implement in Disco. First of all, we'll create a Plugin like so:

class MyPlugin(Plugin):

Now, inside this plugin, we'll create our first listener. A listener is built up following this syntax:

def on_event_name(self, event):
    # Do something with the event

Change the 'EventName' in the .listen() method to the event name you want to listen to, and give the on_event_name method a more descriptive name.

This listener will listen for a new message and will reply with the exact same message every time.

def on_message_create(self, event):

Let's create another listener, this time one that listens for a member that's added to the guild, when this happens, it will send a welcome message in a welcome channel:

WELCOME_CHANNEL = 381890676654080001

def on_member_add(self, event):
        'Welcome to the server {}'.format(event.member.user.mention())

A list of all Discord events supported by disco can be found here including event attributes and functions you can use on the event property.

These are all the listeners we created in this tutorial:

class MyPlugin(Plugin):
    def on_message_create(self, event):

    WELCOME_CHANNEL = 381890676654080001

    def on_member_add(self, event):
            'Welcome to the server {}'.format(event.member.user.mention())

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