Class APIClient

APIClient is the base abstraction for interacting with the Discord API.

Inherits from

  • Object (base class)


Name Description


Name Type Description
baseURL string
client Client
log std.experimental.logger.core.Logger
ratelimit RateLimiter
token string
userAgent string


Name Description
bulkDeleteMessages Deletes messages in bulk.
deleteMessage Deletes a message.
editMessage Edits a messages contents.
gateway Returns a valid Gateway Websocket URL
guild Returns a Guild for a Snowflake ID.
guildChannels Returns a list of channels for a Guild.
guildDelete Deletes a guild.
guildRemoveMember Removes (kicks) a user from a Guild.
me Return the User object for the currently logged in user.
meDMChannels Returns a list of Channel objects for the current user.
meDMCreate Creates a new DM for a recipient (user) ID. Returns a Channel object.
meGuildLeave Leaves a guild.
meGuilds Returns a list of Guild objects for the current user.
meSettings Modifies the current users settings. Returns a User object.
requestJSON Makes a HTTP request to the API (with empty body), returning an APIResponse
requestJSON Makes a HTTP request to the API (with JSON body), returning an APIResponse
requestJSON Makes a HTTP request to the API (with string body), returning an APIResponse
sendMessage Sends a message to a channel.
user Return a User object for a Snowflake ID.